
Therese Enjoys Felixstowe Art on the Prom

Therese enjoyed Felixstowe Art On The Prom last weekend, picking up work from Frances Vincent Arts & Rebecca Pymar Fine Art and Design, both of which will now hang in her Westminster office.    

Tour of Britain comes to Felixstowe

Therese was with Cllr Steve Wiles in Felixstowe today as the town hosted the start and finish of Stage Five of the Men’s Cycling Tour of Britain. Therese said: "It was great day for Felixstowe families and combined with the hot weather a real boost for our tourism sector at the end o

Therese Presses the Case for Haughley Junction Upgrade

Therese joined colleagues at a meeting in Parliament last night to press the case with the Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, about railway investment in East Anglia. Alongside conversations about upgrades at Ely, she took the opportunity to make the case for Haughley Junction.

Therese Attends Brampton Plough Day

Therese attended Brampton Plough Day and Country Fayre today - an annual celebration of rural life past and present. Therese said: "Plough Day was great fun. It was so popular this year, that they even had to open up another field for parking.

Ukraine's Independence Day

Today is Ukraine’s Independence Day 32 years since their declaration of independence from the Soviet Union. Sadly, this is the second Independence Day since Russia’s full-scale invasion but the UK continues to stand with the Ukrainian people as it has done from the very beginning.

More Support for Children with Special Educational Needs

More school places for children with special educational needs will be created as a result of today's announcement to further resource the government's Special Educational Needs Improvement Plan. Therese said: "Earlier this year it was confirmed a new special school will be built in the Suffolk Cou