
New E10 Petrol to Cut Carbon Emissions

A new type of unleaded petrol is available from pumps this weekend. E10 has more ethanol than current unleaded fuel and switching over could cut carbon emissions by 750,000 tonnes a year. Not all cars are compatible but those built after 2011 should be fine.

Therese backs Suffolk's Bid for a County Deal

Therese is backing Suffolk’s bid for a County Deal from government – devolving powers and resources to local communities - to improve lives and to boost economic growth.

Bespoke Resettlement Route for Afghan Refugees Announced

Therese was in Parliament today to hear the Prime Minister confirm that the UK will welcome up to 20,000 people forced to flee Afghanistan - prioritising women, children and others most in need. This is addition to the estimated 5,000 Afghan nationals employed as local staff.

Government Launches New Beating Crime Plan

Last week the government launched its new Beating Crime Plan - to continue to deliver more police, as well as introducing tougher penalties for offending and better support for victims.

Students able to Study and Work Worldwide Thanks to Government's Turing Scheme

It has been confirmed today that over 40,000 UK students will be able to study and work abroad thanks to the government’s new £110m Turing Scheme. As part of the new global scheme, Canada, Japan and the United States are amongst over 150 international destinations where UK students will be funded t

Ninety-Two Thousand Suffolk Households to get Faster Broadband

It’s been confirmed today that up to 92,000 households in rural Suffolk will benefit from top-of-the-range broadband connections as part of the government’s £5bn Project Gigabit investment. Therese said: "This is really great news for Suffolk Coastal residents in rural areas.

Therese helps out at Adnams beach clean

Therese joined the CEO of Adnams, Andy Wood, at one of their regular Southwold beach cleans recently. She said: "Whilst the government has taken a much tougher stance on littering in recent years, including increasing penalties, we all have a role to play in keeping our beaches clean and work

Electric Taxi Service Opens for Train Station Passengers

On Friday, Therese attended the launch of Katch Taxis. A new on-demand electric transport service for passengers travelling between the train station in Campsea Ashe and Wickham Market. The service is available seven days a week from 06.30 to 22.30 Monday to Saturday and 09.00 to 19.00 on Sunday.