
Homes for Ukraine

This afternoon the government launched its Homes for Ukraine scheme. Enabling individuals and organisations the opportunity to volunteer accommodation to house Ukrainians forced to escape their homeland.

More information is available here -

Therese Visits the Suffolk Punch Trust

Therese visited The Suffolk Punch Trust in Hollesley recently to see the dedicated work of volunteers and staff who help protect the critically endangered species through its established breeding programme. Therese said: "It's been especially tough for them during lockdown but it's good news t

Automatic Enrolment Revolutionises Pension Saving

A decade ago we introduced automatic pension enrolment. In Suffolk Coastal 11,000 workers now have a pension pot helping make them more financially resilient - with the scheme being taken up by 2,340 employers.

Suffolk to become Education Investment Area

Suffolk is to become an Education Investment Area with more government investment for our children's future as part of the government's plan to level up. Therese said: "Importantly this extra investment will include retention payments to keep the best teachers and specific support for SEND children

Suffolk to Benefit from Levelling Up Plan through new County Deal

As part of the detailed Levelling Up plan being unveiled by the government today, Suffolk has been invited to agree a new County Deal. Therese said: "I’m delighted that Suffolk is one of just nine areas across the country being trusted to take on a lot more power and responsibility in the first pha

£100m to Ready Sizewell C for Future Investment

Therese has welcomed the announcement from the Energy Secretary that £100 million of government funding is being made available to support the continued development of Sizewell C. Therese said: "Nuclear power as a low carbon energy source is a key strand of the government’s plan to achieve net-zero

£50m Boost to Fund Additional 350,000 NHS Dentist Appointments

Therese has welcomed today’s announcement from the Department of Health that £50m has been allocated for a rapid program to tackle some of the backlog in dentistry caused by the pandemic. Under the scheme, 350,000 extra appointments will be offered including outside of normal hours to treat people