
Roadside Litter Roundtable to Clean up the A14

Last Friday, Therese hosted a roundtable on how to tackle roadside litter, with representatives of the Port of Felixstowe, National Highways, the haulage industry, East Suffolk Council and Litter Free Felixstowe all coming together to work on solutions to clean up the A14. Therese said: “Littering

Tribute to Cllr Graham Newman

It is with great sadness that I pay tribute to Graham Newman, the County Councillor for Felixstowe Coastal, who died just after Christmas following a short illness. My sympathies and prayers are with his wife and family. I will always remember with great fondness Graham’s kindness and charisma.

£20m Funding for Woodlands

Statement from Thérèse: "National Tree Week marks the beginning of another crucial planting season and offers a moment for us to reflect on the importance of the trees, woodlands and forests at the heart of our natural landscapes.

Therese Furious National Grid ESO not attending Public Meeting

Therese has reacted with fury after representatives from BEIS, National Grid ESO and the Environment Agency have refused to attend her public meeting to discuss energy connections along the Suffolk Coast. Therese said: “I had asked for representatives to attend in order for constituents to hear fro