
Therese Visits Felixstowe Hydrocycle

Yesterday, Therese announced the government’s Plan for Water, which includes unlimited penalties for polluters, a new Water Restoration Fund backed by water company fines and more investment in infrastructure. As part of that announcement, she was pleased to visit Felixstowe Hydrocycle and met the

Action Plan to Crack Down on Anti-Social Behaviour

Earlier today, the Prime Minister announced plans to crack down on anti-social behaviour and restore pride in communities. That means: BANS on NOS BIGGER FINES for graffiti & fly-tipping MORE POWERS to stop drug use & OPPORTUNITIES for councils to bring empty shops back into use. Read

Therese Joins Beach Cleaners to Tidy Up Southwold

Today in Southwold, Therese joined local volunteers and representatives from the British Beer and Pub Association at the Adnams’ beach clean. A great way to contribute to this year's Great British Spring Clean.

Million Pound Government Boost for Leiston's Long Shop Museum

Therese has welcomed Suffolk’s success in securing significant funding from the government’s Cultural Investment Fund, which has been announced today. The Leiston Long Shop Museum, which keeps alive the industrial heritage of East Suffolk, has received over a million pounds from the Museum Estate a

Ending the Prepayment Meter Premium

As part of the budget this week, the government is taking action to end the ‘prepayment penalty’, introducing fairness reforms to energy bills to remove the premium paid by households using prepayment meters.

A Budget for Enterprise, Employment, Education and Everywhere

This afternoon in Parliament, the Chancellor delivered his Budget statement focused on Enterprise, Employment, Education and Everywhere. Despite enormous global challenges, the UK economy is proving the doubters wrong, avoiding recession with growth forecast to return.