Over 70 people attended a public meeting hosted by Suffolk Coastal MP, Therese Coffey last week to discuss tackling climate change and improving the environment.
Therese said, “Public concern about climate change is growing all the time and rightly so. I was pleased to talk to local residents about the action the Government is taking and what still needs to be done.”
“As the Environment Minister for three years, I have been working on improving our environment and nature-based solutions to tackling climate change. The government has now legislated for the UK to have net zero carbon emissions by 2050 – the first major country to do so - and while we have already reduced emissions by a quarter since we came to office in 2010, we have a lot more to do in changing energy usage, more electric transport options and protecting our natural carbon sinks like saltmarsh, peatlands, forests and our Oceans. Last year was the cleanest and greenest on record, with low-carbon sources making up more than half of our electricity.”
Therese added: “Climate change is a global challenge, which is why I have been pressing the case on the global stage and our government is funding action around the world too. My thanks go to our local Councils, the County Council and East Suffolk Council, too for declaring their support in tackling climate change.”