Therese welcomes the Government’s announcement today of a £204 million cash boost to kickstart the largest ever expansion of childcare, supporting parents to return to work and helping to grow the economy.
I understand that the cost of childcare can be a real struggle for parents and too often becomes a barrier to work
That is why we announced the largest ever expansion of free childcare at the Spring Budget - and today, nurseries are set to receive an initial investment of £204 million to kickstart delivery. We have also announced plans to provide all parents of primary school children access to childcare in their local area between 8am and 6pm - and 16 local authorities have already been selected to work with the Government to develop plans for this universal provision.
This initial investment of over £200 million will be transformational for working families and a huge step forward in delivering the largest ever expansion of childcare to help grow the economy.
Our local job centres in Felixstowe, Woodbridge and Leiston can help you access childcare funding, help you get on up the career ladder and are also the best place to find extra hours if you are working part-time.…