A statement from Therese on the Closure of Saxmundham Free School
"Whilst I recognise the challenges the school has faced due to its Ofsted rating and failing pupil numbers, this is not welcome news.
The first priority, of course, has to be the pupils and I welcome the fact that positive discussions are taking place with the County Council and the Department for Education to ensure appropriate places are found. I’ve also made representations that the current year 10 pupils moving into year 11 next year, should be able to stay together and complete their GCSEs and I’m pleased to see that has been confirmed.
I understand the school is now undertaking a 4-week ‘listening exercise’ to consult with stakeholders about how best to close the school, but if any parents want to contact me directly with their concerns then they are welcome to do so. Either on [email protected] or by phoning my office on 0207 219 7164.
Given that I opened a new specialist centre to support and develop vulnerable young people on the school grounds last year, coupled with the fact that the government has agreed to fund a new special school for Suffolk as part of the Special Needs Improvement Plan. I have also made the suggestion that the Saxmundham school site should now potentially be considered for that."