Therese has helped set up the new Offshore Electricity Grid Task Force (OffSET), consisting of East Anglian MPs and County Councillors, designed to ensure our precious landscapes and communities are better protected from uncoordinated energy infrastructure. The group will scrutinise the Government’s Offshore Network Transmission Review and proposals to change the Nationally Significant infrastructure Planning regime.
Therese said: "Our net-zero target and aspiration to deliver 40GW of offshore wind power by 2030 means we need to ensure the government’s emerging policy framework, which commits to greater integration and coordination of energy projects, is put into practice now. It’s also essential the infrastructure is placed in the most appropriate place, preferably on brownfield land, minimising cable corridors and the impact on the environment."
"I have already contributed extensively to the Scottish Power Renewables examination hearing arguing against a new substation at Friston in favour of a more sustainable connection at Bradwell – and consultations are currently underway on the Nautilus project which is proposing another local connection." There is a webinar on the latter at 6 pm this evening -…
For more information on OffSET see here:…